Cookies 🍪
Esta página está solo en inglés porque el complemento utilizado para manejar esto no está configurado de una manera buena para manejar varios idiomas.
Esta es una lista de las categorías de cookies/analytics utilizadas en nuestro sitio web y por qué las usamos.
Visitor statistics
We do not use any third party visit statistics like google analytics. There is a basic stats built in to our web hosting provider Oderland and you can review their policies here.
Django session login
These cookies enable you to login.
Enables the site to know if a user is logged in or not.
Django session location
This store your location and timezone information so we can show relevant events and correct start and end time for them in your timezone.
Stores location and timezone to enable us to show relevant events in the correct timezone.
This shows us how visitors interact with the site som we can focus on improving used parts and re-think unused parts.